Searching for what will make that print marketing piece stand out? One can be quick to jump to the latest and greatest in the print industry. However, sometimes we just need to revisit the tried and true. Certain print design techniques, like embossing, just stand the test of time.
Why does embossing add value?
Kenning, having been in the print finishing industry for 20 years, has experts that have worked with the different embossing techniques, single level, multi-level emboss, and sculpted emboss. Enhancing the look and texture of paper with embossing creates a tactile feature that can transition that print piece into an experience, making it memorable. Making the piece memorable is key! We have some great examples of embossing on our portfolio page to see just what we are talking about.
What you and/or your client may consider before choosing to emboss:
COST - Embossing isn't necessarily going to fit into everyone's budget, but one way to think of embossing is to see it as an investment. If planned ahead the embossing die can be used for multiple projects. Consider doing a logo or a pattern that fits with the brand, something that can be used more than once. By doing this you get more bang for your buck! Keep in mind size also has a great impact on the die cost as well.
DESIGN ELEMENTS - Is the design a good fit for embossing? Is there a lot of fine detail or thin fonts that may not reproduce well in the emboss design? Asking a print sales representative or a print finisher is a great way to know if the design can be executed properly.
TYPE OF DIE - The type of die used will depend on the artwork, budget, and type of paper. The three most common metals used for making dies are magnesium, copper and brass. The die metals are specific to the type of embossing, whether it be a single level, multi-level, or sculpted. It is important to have discussed these options with a print sales representative and the print finisher early in the design stages of a project.
TYPE OF PAPER- Paper selection is also very important when it comes to embossing. Our friends at Domtar Paper have an informative embossing guide, with good recommendations on what to look for when choosing a paper. Also checking with a print finisher is highly recommended.
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If you have worked with Kenning on an embossing project in the past, we would love for you to share them with us! Tag us on Instagram (@kenningoutsource), Facebook (@kenningoutsource), or Twitter (@Kenning_Print)!